Jean-Baptiste Morin


Astrologia Gallica

RESUME of Book XXV -
On the Rules of Interpretation for the practice of
Mundane Astrology as determined by Morin de Villefranche

(Translated by Jean Hieroz, Paris. 1943 under the title "L'ASTROLOGIE MONDIALE et MÉTÉOROLOGIQUE de MORIN DE VILLEFRANCHE" )

Translated from the French by Vivian Goldstein, New York. 1976.

Morin's 132 rules for Mundane Astrology is a summary of his 25th Book that provides an invaluable aid for those who would like to understand and apply Morin's approach to the practice of Mundane Astrology, that is, the application of astrology to world and political events.

The 25th Book follows naturally from his 21st thru 24th Books. As the material in the 22nd thru 24th Books is advanced and based upon the principles set forth in his 21st Book, it is strongly suggested that the reader review at a minimum the resume of his 21st Book found also on this site.

Our Internet School Program teaches horoscope interpretation based on Morin's 21st Book.



Section I - The Foundations of the Doctrine of the Universal Constitution

1.     The Prime Heaven pours out on this Sublunar World Its superior and universal strength. Seven planets of differing natures, each one acting according to its affinity, its analogy, and its state, good or ill, impose on this world through a unique ray, their personal and formal qualities which are as much elemental as they are influential. All which is produced in this World has as its cause the movement of the planets in the Zodiac, that is to say, their revolutions to their Radix place, their synodic (conjunctive) revolutions and their other syzygies (a term used - often loosely - to mean a conjunction or an opposition) as well as their Movement en masse around the Earth.

2.     The qualities and the modalities of the elemental action of a planet are, at a given moment, identical in nature for all of the Earth, and dependent on the sign which it occupies and its ruler; however the intensity of this Action is different for different locations on the Earth and dependent on the elevation of the planet and on the length of its stay above the Horizon. This intensity is nullified when the planet is below the Earth.

3.     The qualities of the influential action of a planet depend on its Nature, on the Sign it occupies, on its ruler and on the intensity of its zodiacal state. The mode of its effects depends on the various houses of the map. (Terrestrial State.)

4.     The elemental action of the planets in the various signs is not immutable. It can vary with the precession of the Equinoxes. It is not the same for the influential action.

5.     A Particular constitution of the Heavens is that which is determined with regard to any individuality whatever and which is connected only with it. A Universal constitution (C.U.) is that which affects the totality of a region or a city and the people, plants and animals that live there.

6.     In the universal maps erected for some place on Earth, the Houses have the same significance as in an individual map, but universalized.

7.     In the Particular constitutions of Men, the Principal or Prime (factor) is the radix map or natal chart to which the Solar and Lunar Revolutions are subordinated during the entire life of the Native; the Lunar Revolutions being themselves dependent on the Solars and the Transits being of fourth rank. An analogous subordination exists between the various Universal Constitutions and the Radix Constitution of the World, but the latter is unknown as a whole. It is known only that the Sun is found at 0°Aries.

8.     The Universal Constitution, first and superior in the arranged order, powerfully accomplishes its effects on the posterior and subordinate constitutions if these latter have similar significations.

9.     Several constitutions acting simultaneously produce the greatest effects particularly if they have the same Horoscope.

10. The most universal and most powerful celestial causes produce the most universal and the most lasting effects.

11. A Universal Constitution prevails over a Particular one, and a strong Universal over a weak one. On the other hand, a debilitated Universal does not prevail over a strong Particular Constitution nor does a debilitated but more Universal Constitution prevail over a less debilitated and less Universal Constitution.

12. No man is naturally subjugated to another man, but he can be politically, that is to say, accidentally. It is in this manner that the genitures and revolutions of Kings are universal causes for their subjects.

13. In no case does the constitution relative to a certain place on Earth naturally and by itself dominate another place, each place being subjugated only to the constitutions erected for that place.

14. But a place may be subjugated to another accidentally, that is, politically.

15. The accidents and the destinies of a place are of two kinds; one is natural (State of the atmosphere, illnesses, famines, etc.), and the other is political (laws, tributes, edicts, etc.)

16. The destinies of the first species depend solely on the constitutions erected for that place.

17. The destinies of the second species depend particularly on the themes (Morin's term for an astrological chart - RMC) of birth and revolution (Morin's term for a solar or lunar return - RMC) of the King, the Prince or the head of government, and universally on the Universal Constitutions according to the way by which they are received by the themes of the King or his Ministers in the locality or where they are found at the moment of the constitution.

18. An individual is submitted to a universal constitution according to its zodiacal and terrestrial state at the place where he finds himself at the moment when it occurs. If he moves, he removes himself from the Influx received by the place in order to submit himself to the influx from the new place where he resides or that he's passing through; but he remains, naturally, subjected to the influx that he received in the first location.

19. The effects of the constitutions relative to a multitude are of a more certain accomplishment than the effects of a constitution relative to a single individual.

20. The Particular constitutions harmonious with a Universal Constitution are unconditionally determined by the latter.

21. If a signification in the Geniture (the natal chart) or in a Solar Revolution of an individual is reproduced in a Universal Constitution in process (and which finds a concurrent Direction) it will certainly be realized in the course of the revolution.

22. As long as the Angles of a geniture agree with those of a U.C., that geniture is well or badly affected in accordance with whether the U.C. is good or bad.

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Section II - The World Wide Revolutions of the Sun and the Planets

1.     Although a subordinated map does not act absolutely by itself, the Annual Revolution of the Sun to its Radix (0ºAries) is the most solid foundation which we have at our disposition in order to predict the influence of the Heavens on the various places on earth.

All the other constitutions (conjunctions, squares and oppositions of the lights and the other planets whether with their positions in various constitutions or by syzygy) are subordinated to the Annual Revolutions.

2.     One can subdivide in four the revolutions of the Sun. The chief strength of these quarters is dependent on the transit of the Sun by its squares and oppositions with its initial position. However, experience shows that each transit acts as much elementally as influentially because of the state of the heavens at the moment when it takes place. It is necessary therefore, to examine equally the maps for the quarters themselves.

3.     The radix positions of the planets at the origin of the World, being unknown, it isn't possible to examine, as one could for the Sun, the Radical Revolutions of the planets. One must therefore be limited to the synodic revolutions and to the various syzygies.

4.     However, personal experience makes me think that the Worldwide Revolutions of the Moon to 0ºAries have a certain importance.

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Section III - The synodic Revolutions of the Planets and their Syzygies

1.     The synodic revolution of two planets possesses a strength and effects peculiar to itself, resulting from the mixture of the nature of the two planets and of the sign where the synodic conjunction takes place. This force acts effectively until the next synode of the two planets.

2.     The synodic revolutions of the Sun and of the Moon are the most effective of all.

3.     The various syzygies of two planets depend on the conjunction, the first syzygy and the beginning of the revolution.

4.     In the course of a synodical revolution of the Sun and of the Moon, not only their syzygies, as much between them as with other planets (above all if these latter dominate in the theme of the synode), but the syzygies of any two planets converge in the effect of the synode.

5.     There are at one time 21 synodical revolutions in progress, and the multiplicity of the combinations is incomprehensible in its entirety to the human spirit which can only discern the most important effects.

6.     In every judgment of Universal Constitutions, one must take account of all the Synodic Revolutions in process. In practice, in a Solar Revolution or in one of its quarters, one must take account of the last planet which was in conjunction with the Sun, above all if it is a question of Saturn or Jupiter and above all again if this planet dominates the chart of the revolution. Equally, one must look at the preceding New Moon and, in second place, the opposition or the square of the luminaries if one has intervened between the synode and the Ingress.

7.     One must not believe in the dependence of the constitutions to the point of Eternity from the fact that the ingress of the Sun in Aries depends on the preceding Solar—Lunar synode which depends, itself, on the anterior Ingress which depends itself on a preceding synode, and so forth.

8.     Any syzygy of the Superior Planets, whether between them or with Inferior Planets, occurring in a Constitutional Map of Lights is very effective.

9.     The Prime Heavenly places where the conjunction of two planets takes place and where the aspects of the conjunction fall are strongly determined to act in the manner of the two planets.

In the same way that the transit of the Sun through the squares and oppositions of 0ºAries acts on the corresponding quarters of the year, the transit of the Moon through the squares and opposition from the place of the conjunction, beginning with the synode, acts on the quarters corresponding to the lunar months.

10. In the process of a revolution of two planets (Sun—Moon, for example), two sorts of squares and oppositions are produced: on the one hand, by transit of the most rapid planet (the only transits to be considered) through the conjunctive aspects; on the other hand, by actual syzygies between the two planets. It is the first sort of aspect which is by far the most effective and which it is necessary, above all, to examine. But the two kinds converge in the effect of the revolution and that through the map of the heavens itself at the moment of their actualizations.

11. The transits of the aspects from the conjunction begin and order the effects and the syzygies accomplish them or modify them. This must he understood, above all for the Solar—Lunar Revolutions, because for the other revolutions (as Sun-Mars), where the square by transit takes place at the end of three months and the square by syzygy at the end of nine months, because of' all the constitutions which have taken part in the meantime, one can hardly decide on the relative effects of transit-syzygy.

12. The place of the conjunction or of the Solar—Lunar opposition preceding a birth acts according to its zodiacal and terrestrial state in the Natal map.

13. A synodical revolution of two planets taking place in the same triplicity as the preceding conjunction of the two same planets continues the effects of this or produces from it analogues; in a complementary triplicity effects are partially analogous and partially contrary; in an opposing triplicity, there are contrary effects.

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Section IV - On Eclipses of the Sun and Moon

1.     In visible eclipses of the Sun what takes place is only loss of elemental action, of the light and heat of the Sun, but not of the influential action, because this passes through the Moon during the Eclipse as it passes through the Earth during the night.

2.     In invisible Eclipses, the influence of the Sun, having to pass through the Moon and the Earth, reaches us in a weakened state.

3.     In Lunar Eclipses we are severely deprived by the Moon of reflected heat and light of the Sun, but the elemental action and the influential action are not affected.

4.     It is, therefore, an error to believe as the ancients believed, that the deficient luminary becomes devoid of action.

5.     Eclipses act like an ordinary Solar—Lunar synode of reinforced virtue, from the fact that the Sun, Earth and Moon are in a straight line.

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Section V - On the Great Conjunctions

1.     The conjunctions of Saturn—Jupiter and Mars act powerfully on this Sublunar World elementally and influentially because of their actual conjunctions and not because of the conjunction deduced from their average positions, as claimed by Albumazar.

2.     When they proceed from one triplicity to the triplicity of the opposing nature, they are called Great Conjunctions.

3.     The Great Conjunctions in cardinal signs always produce great effects.

4.     Saturn—Jupiter conjunctions are the most effective of all.

5.     Saturn—Mars conjunctions are generally bad.

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Section VI - On the Primordial Point, Rulers, and various Dominants of the Constitutions

1.     A point exists in every constitution which takes precedence over all the others, or the primordial point (P.P.). In a periodic revolution to the radix place or in a synodical revolution of two planets, the P.P. is the place where it is found or around which the planets revolve in syzygies, the point is that of the faster planet and in transits by aspect, that of the transiting planet.

2.     First the Horoscope, then the Midheaven, then the two other Angles of the theme must be examined in this order, which is, in principle, the order of importance.

3.     The ancients gave priority to the Angle following the P.P. according to the succession of the Signs, when the planet was Direct, or preceding when it was retrograde. However, when the planet had moved only a degree from an Angle, this is always chosen as the most important whether it follows or precedes the planet, whether it is direct or retrograde.

4.     The U.C. must be judged by the planet constituting the P.P. (which is of its nature, by the sign which it occupies, by its ruler and by the zodiacal state of it: the judgement doesn't have to be a judgement universal for all the earth because of the single zodiacal state, but must be made by taking into account the house which determines the constitution towards a modality of effects proper to the place considered.

5.     The particular rulership of the constitution pertains to the planet which, in the place of the P.P., or the Principal Angle, is more powerful by rulership, Exaltation, connection by body or aspect or by state of trining.

6.     If a planet is at the same time, ruler of the P.P. and of the Principal Angle, it will be very powerful; this power will accrue if it is joined by body or aspect to the P.P. or to the Angle, and a fortiori, if it is joined to the two.

7.     If the rulers of the P.P. and the Angle are different, it is that of the P.P. which prevails, the other being an associate of it.

8.     All things being equal, one must choose for ruler of a U.C. the planet which is most reasonable. Contrary to the opinion of various ancient Astrologers, there is no reason to exclude the Lights from the rulership of the U.C.

9.     If in a Solar Revolution Mars is found, be it with the Sun in Aries or in Scorpio, it will be the very powerful ruler of the year.

If Mars isn't in one of these signs, the ruler of this sign if strong by zodiacal state dominates the revolution, if weak it shares the domination with Mars, but if there is a mutual reception between Mars and its ruler, it is Mars which prevails. Every planet conjoined with the Sun, but not denominating Mars, contributes to the determination of the year while leaving the domination to Mars.

There is a place for looking for the planet which finally prevails over the others by zodiacal and terrestrial state.

10. When the ruler of the year is not in its own sign and its ruler is governed itself by a third planet, there isn't place to take account of the state of this third ruler.

11. When the same ruler governs the World Revolution and a quarter, it will be very powerful during all that Season. It is in the same way that the ruler of a Solar—Lunar synode governs a lunar quarter as well.

12. Numerous planets in cardinal signs in a U.C. always signifies something important.

13. The strongest of the planets conjoined to the place of the conjunction of the planets, or the most elevated, prevails.

14. Beyond the planets, one or two important Fixed Stars can assume domination or participate in it. For this they must he close to the P.P. or the neighboring angles or be found with it on the meridian or the horizon.

15. The Fixed Stars which are conjoined, setting or rising with the Lights or the rulers are equally to be examined.

16. The best protection against a bad U.C. consists of having as the ruler of the Horoscope or the geniture the ruler of the bad U.C.

17. The U.C.’s in which the rulers are situated exactly on the Angles of a particular constitution are extremely powerful.

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Section VII - On the place of action of the Universal Constitutions

1.     The nations or cities to which a constitution most particularly apply are, from the fact of the power of the Angles, those which have the P.P. or its ruler in their Horoscope, descending or on the M.C. But it is fairer to say that the U.C. applies to every place in accordance with the house of the erected map for the place where the P.P. or its ruler falls.

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Section VIII - On Dates and Duration of Events indicated by the U.C.

1.     The effectiveness of a U.C. is manifested and remains, in principal, until the following analogous U.C.

2.     The effects begin with the U.C. They are produced:

o        When the planets dominating the constitution apply by conjunction, opposition, square or trine, be it with the P.P., the Horoscope, or the Principal Angle.

o        When the Lights have access to one of these points through aspect from the rulers of the constitution, or apply by body or aspect to these rulers, or rise or set either with them or with the P.P.

o        When the rulers of the Annual solar Return or one of its quarters meet by body or strong aspect the rulers of the subordinated lunations.

o        When by direction the Lights or the Angles (above all the Horoscope), or the rulers of the U.C. are reached by the Promissors.

3.     The Radical Directions of the World Map (which is unknown) take place at the equatorial rate of 59'08” as in individual radical maps. They thus reveal themselves as identical to themselves approximately every 360 years. And this is how the “Great Orb” of which Albumazar speaks, originates. But although the same Direction leads back to this rhythm of analogous phenomenon, these are not identical due to differences in the revolutions and the Transits.

4.     The Directions in the World Revolution of the Sun develop at the equatorial rate of 59'08”; in the synodic revolutions of the Moon at the rate of 11º 11'27” and in the revolutions to the places determined by the New Moon at the rate of the periodic lunar revolutions of 13º 10'35”.

5.     If two maps, one of which is subordinated to the other, have the same ruler, this ruler will be extremely effective in the posterior map in the course of its realization of the common significance. If the rulers differ but are in the same sign, one must look to see in the posterior map if the ruler of this Sign is united by a strong ray to the rulers of the two maps or to one of them alone, or again if it is found in one of the Principal Angles, because in this case the posterior map will be very effective.

If the different rulers occupy different signs and are of different triplicities, if they are in mutual reception or united by a strong ray in the posterior map, this latter will have only a negligible influence on the realization of the First.

6.     If two maps, one of which is subordinate to the other, have the same Ascendant, and given that the ruler of this sign is that of the P.P. of the two constitutions or that of one of them (and above all that of the first), or if the two P.P.'s are united by a strong aspect, and if the common ruler is strong by zodiacal state or Angular, the posterior map will realize the significations of the First.

7.     When the ruling planets of the subordinate constitutions arrive by their own movement to the signs of the Angles or to the Angles of the superior map, they act according to the nature of this sign.

8.     One can direct the Horoscope of a lunation towards the dominant planet, its square or its opposition at the rate of 13º 11' per day.

9.     A mutation signified by the Moon occurs when the Moon, after its conjunction or its opposition to the Sun comes to a powerful aspect from the Horoscope or its ruler.

10. A lunation taking place in the First or Tenth House has sudden and rapid effects beginning the same day as the lunation.

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Section IX - On the importance of the effects of the Universal Constitutions

1.     The ruler of the P.P or of the next Angle conjoining them or aspecting them strongly, strong by zodiacal state and angular, produces great effects; affected in an adverse way, mediocre effects, and between the two, average effects.

2.     A single ruler, or two rulers of the same nature, will signify greater effects than when the rulers are of different natures.

3.     A ruler, diurnal of day, or nocturnal of night, occidental to the Moon or Oriental to the Sun, produces notable effects if it is above the Earth and much weaker effects if it is below.

4.     The lights are more powerful than the other planets and the superior planets are more powerful than the inferior ones.

5.     The Fixed Stars of first magnitude presage great effects if they are at the zenith or occupy the Principal Angle or the Horoscope of the U.C.

6.     The U.C.'s which take place in cardinal signs are causes, all things being equal elsewhere, of the greatest effects.

7.     If a conjunction and its ruler are in the same triplicity, the effects are greater.

8.     A lunation in the First or Tenth House with Jupiter, Saturn or Mars in the Angles has very important effects above all if it took place with an eclipse.

9.     Two simultaneous U.C.'s produce the greatest effects, for example, a World Revolution of the Sun and a Mars-Saturn synode.

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Section X - On the Quality of the Effects

1.     The P.P., its ruler and the rulers of the Principal Angles of a constitution determine elementally and influentially this constitution vis-a-vis a region, and by their state produce the elementary effects (Heat, Cold, Humidity, Drought, Winds, etc.) and the influential effects (Illnesses, Wars, etc.)

The nature and the state of the region and the season participate in this.

2.     For the quality of the constitution it is necessary to refer not only to the P.P. but to the First House, to the Horoscope and to its ruler. The planet in conjunction, square or opposition with them and which will have several dignities to the place of the Horoscope (Ascendant) will be very powerful.

3.     One must examine the Principal Ruler of the year, that of the season and that of the Lunation, the nature of the signs that they occupy, those of their rulers, those of the Fixed Dominants and their determination in the Map, the Blending of all this having been done, one must judge the future elemental and Influential effects, due to place and the season, above all for the Elements.

4.     The malefic Fixed Stars and the malefic planets dominating in the P.P., and badly affected by zodiacal state, presage, in general, trouble. These are graver still when they occupy the Angles, and above all, if they are in unfortunate houses.

5.     The benefic Fixed Stars and the benefic planets dominating in the P.P. and well affected by zodiacal state presage, generally, fortunate events. These are more important when they occupy the Angles and better still when they are in fortunate houses.

6.     If the domination belongs to two planets, one a malefic, the other benefic, the quality of the event will be mitigated.

7.     The quality of a conjunction depends on the nature and zodiacal state of its planets.

8.     0ne must find the planet which prevails over the other by nature, zodiacal state and terrestrial state.

9.     If the planet in question is ruler of the Horoscope or of the M.C. of the constitution, it acts very strongly in accordance with its own nature.

10. Direct and fast, the planets signify the progress of human affairs in the sense of determining them, and these progressions are of as great rapidity or slowness as they are themselves rapid or slow. Retrograde they signify the interruption, the inversion or the destruction of such progress. Stationary, above all in fixed signs, they indicate firmness and constancy of the effects.

11. When a planet at its first station begins to retrograde, it inverts or interferes with its previous effects. When it becomes direct again, it restores them or perfects them.

12. The angular planets most effectively realize their significations, cadent they are very weak and succedent they act with mediocrity. Of course, this is to be understood for the elemental effects, because influentially, for example, nowhere is Saturn more active than in VIII and Jupiter more active than in II.

13. The weather is never definable by a single constitution, but by the coming together (of influences) brought to the World Revolution (primordial constitution), by the other constitutions (Solar Quarter, Synodic Revolution, Solar-Lunar, Lunar quarters, etc.).

14. A Universal Constitution signifying Humidity or Cold can be good in one place and bad in another.

15. The present state of the atmosphere at the moment of the U.C. depends above all on the elemental state of the planets above the Horizon alone, and on their elevation and their diurnal arc. The future state depends on the influential action of the rulers of this U.C., judgment of which is made by combining their natures and their celestial and Terrestrial States.

16. If the planet which rules the year is in its own sign, it acts very strongly in accordance with its own nature. If the planet adjusts by its extrinsic natural to the sign, it acts, above all elementally, according to the nature of the sign; if it doesn't adjust, it acts, above all elementally, according to the nature of the sign.

17. If the planet, ruler of the Year, is not in its own sign, it acts according to the nature of the sign and that of its ruler. If the ruler of the sign is found either in its own sign or in another sign of the same triplicity, it combines powerfully, the planet and its sign, in the events of the year and prevails over the ruler of the year. If the ruler of the sign is found in another sign of a different nature but constituting its second domicile, it still converges powerfully but the ruler of the year prevails over it. Finally, if the ruler of the sign was peregrine in a sign of different Nature, its virtue will be weak.

18. Numerous planets in fire signs presage dryness; in Water signs, rain; in Air signs, winds; in Earth signs, frost or snow. If the planets dominating these signs have an elemental nature agreeing with that of these signs, they intensify the effect; if different in nature they minimize it. It is necessary in addition to take account of the house and the location.

19. A planet in a sign congruent with its extrinsic nature acts according to its own nature. But on the one hand, it happens that the planets accidentally act contrary to this nature; and on the other hand that the ruler of the sign not being of the same nature as the sign counterbalances its influence.

20. The most important connections in the atmosphere are the conjunction, the squares, and the opposition. The Ancients attributed analogous meteorological effects to these three kinds of aspects, which seems illogical.

21. There is place to take account of the Lunar mansion or where this Luminary is placed.

22. The planets act elementally with much effectiveness, all other things being equal, as they are close to the earth.

23. The planets act differently according to whether they precede or follow the Sun or the Moon. Therefore the heavy planets oriental to the Sun increase dryness; occidental, they are the cause of Humidity, above all in Winter. The signs can modify this action.

24. Good weather is caused, above all, by the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars; the rain by the Moon, Venus and Mercury.

25. The retrograde planets are rainy (above all Venus), except when they come to the conjunction or the opposition of the Sun. The feminine signs and above all the Water Signs favor their action.

26. If three planets are simultaneously retrograde and applying in Water signs, flooding is forecast.

27. Several planets retrograde in the borealis (northern) side of the Zodiac presage winds and rain for the Northern side of the world. Retrograde planets in the astral part of the Zodiac likewise influence the Astral side of the World.

28. The direct planets create on the whole dryness and calm; stationary planets create winds.

29. If the planets, rulers of the conjunction or of the opposition of the Sun and Moon, preceding an ingress of the Sun, are of a warm nature, in warm signs, united by body or aspects with planets or Fixed Stars of a warm nature in partile or applying [aspect],[and] if they are, beyond this, in a quarter of warm nature, they produce an intense heat during this season, especially at its beginning. The same is true for rain, aridness and cold.

30. The lunations and their quarters raise or lower the temperature of the solar quarter according to their natures and their qualities.

31. One must observe with care the planet to which the Moon or the ruler of the lunation first applies. When Mars is applied to, the hail and the thunder are to be feared; if it is to Saturn, rain and cold; if to Jupiter, good weather, etc. In all of this one must take account of the season.

32. If in a Saturn lunation, Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction either between themselves or with Venus and Mercury, above all if the Moon is applying to them, a change in the state of the atmosphere conforming to the nature of the strongest, will he produced.

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Section XI - On Comets

1.     Comets are of the nature of planets. They seek to initiate in their effect the nature of the Planet of which they reflect the color.

2.     The larger a comet is, the longer lasting and dazzling, the greater are its effects, the longer lasting and more notable.

3.     The greater the speed of a cornet, the quicker will be its effects.

4.     The comet retrograding by its own movement in the sign preceding the one which it occupies gives notification of considerable change of Authority, and a considerable deficiency of the order; direct, it notifies of changes congruent with its nature and its mode.

5.     The comet, even if it changes signs, stays under the domination of its first ruler, above all if it was united with it by a powerful aspect.

6.     A comet undergoes the aspects of the planets, especially at the time of its appearance.

7.     One must judge a comet in a sign as one would a planet of analogous nature.

8.     The comets oriental to the Sun have the most rapid effects.

9.     One must examine the house of the world revolution of the Sun and of the Solar-Lunar synode preceding the appearance of a comet (in the place) where this is seen.

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Section XII - On heliacal risings and settings

1.     The heliacal risings and settings, as much of the planets as of the Fixed Stars, powerfully excite changes of the Atmosphere particularly if they are vespertine, which is a question of true settings or apparent settings.

2.     They act principally in the places where these heavenly bodies had, when of the preceding constitution, somewhat of a domination.

3.     Among the stars and the constellations called "tempestuous", the most famous are Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades, the Hyades, the Eye of the Bull (Aldebaran), Praesepe, the Anons, Lucida; the Scales, the heart of the Scorpion, the heart and the tail of the Lion, the big and the small Cat, Castor and Pollux, Aquila, Deiphinus.

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END OF RESUME - Book 25 - Astrologia Gallica