Jean-Baptiste Morin


Astrologia Gallica

Book Eighteen

The Strengths

of the Planets




Translator’s Preface and Acknowledgements

         This book is a translation of Book XVIII of Morin's Astrologia Gallica. The original text was translated from Morin's scholarly Latin into modern Spanish by Pepita Sanchis Llacer. I translated the Spanish text of Sanchis Llacer into English, looking selectively at the Latin text along the way. My goal was to make Morin's dense academic style comprehensible in English. Special thanks go to Pepita Sanchis Llacer (P.S.L.) for her excellent Spanish translation of Morin's text and her many clarifications, to James Holden (J.H.) who helped when I was stuck on Morin's Latin, and to Robert M. Corre (R.M.C.) of the Forum on Astrology for his understanding and explanation of the ideas of Morin and his modern disciple Zoltan Mason. Their footnoted comments do much to clarify Morin's text. Special thanks also go to John crawlers for his generous assistance in reviewing, editing, and revising the translation. Although I have made every effort to render Morin's ideas accurately, it is possible that I have misunderstood some of Morin's original text written, as it is, in scholarly Latin in a dense academic style, and l assume responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the present translation.—A.L.L.


Anthony Louis La Bruzza